Explores new dances every week with our high-energy West African Dance workshop!
The start of a class builds on traditional West African dance techniques, followed by practice across the floor, and culminating in a final phrase. This class is accompanied by live music on traditional instruments such as the djembe and the djun-djun.
Moving Education gave Apalachicola’s pre-teens and teens an opportunity to experience a wide variety of cultural activities- culinary arts, dance, photography, gardening, and dance- that they rarely seen in a rural community. Thank you to everyone involved for bring this extraordinary gift to our community!
The Moving Education program provided my three children, and many others in Apalachicola, with the opportunity to do things they enjoy and love. They even discovered art forms they never knew they were passionate about. Your program has made a difference and helped families tremendously by providing positive activities for the youth. They have made our family so proud!